Monday, 25 April 2011

R0yal W3dding

Has the entire country abandoned its critical faculty over this revolting charade?

I lose some of my right to complain, considering I'll be watching. My excuse, however, is that I'll be playing a relevant drinking game and will be mostly unconscious by the middle of the afternoon.

Anyway... I realise that I'm perhaps more misanthropic than the average citizen, but I struggle to see how can people be so shameless, joyously celebrating a wedding of the ruling elite without irony, without cynicism.

My only hope is that this is a massive media shit-storm, dreamed up in the offices of the Maily Express, and that it bears no relation to the "average" person's interest in the matter. After all, these pages of worthless, aimless hate can rarely be said to actually represent the country at large.

They should have no position of authority or prominence, being that they are parasites on the country. We denigrate benefit scroungers, but not these free-loading inbreds?

Again, I sincerely hope that the media have over-stated the strength of pro-monarchist feeling in this regard.

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